... this picture has nothing to do with my Christmas list... I just think it is cool...
Thank you and have a Merry Christmas :oD
1. A cell phone... an iPhone please.... My sister has one and I would like one very much... But I will gladly take an iPad too, Thank you.
2. Lego technic 2-in-1 4x4 crawler (9398) $164.99
3. Lego Technic Excavator (42006) $68.99 at Walmart and $99.99 at toysrus
4. Lego Creator Expert Horizon Express (10233) $129.99 at target
And... Lego Minecraft Micro World the End (toysrus) $34.99
In fact, I like any Lego Star Wars and Lego Minecraft and Lego Hero Factory
Minecraft action figures
5. Core animal 6-pack (toysrus) $21.99
6. Overworld Action figure-Steve with Diamond Armor (toysrus) $12.99
7.Core Zombie with Accessory $9.99
8. Villager Blacksmith $10.99
9. Let's just make this easy.... Any Minecraft core action figures and stuff.